mikemac29: Past forest fires have done some damage along the entrance to Yellowstone.
mikemac29: A bit of the Yellowstone River running in the area.
mikemac29: And we head back down the mountain.
mikemac29: Still a ways to go to get over these mountains.
mikemac29: The Top of the World store along the Beartooth Pass.
mikemac29: Another lake
mikemac29: Glacial lake way up there.
mikemac29: August 27, 2002, it's 40 degrees and there's snow on the ground at the summit.
mikemac29: View from the summit, just shy of 11,000 feet
mikemac29: Down in the valley
mikemac29: Snowcapped mountains in the distance
mikemac29: More scenery
mikemac29: Yeah I took that road to get this far.
mikemac29: Nice scenery on the way up.
mikemac29: We start to climb, and I remember why I wanted to come.
mikemac29: See even the water's running to get off the mountains.
mikemac29: Leaving Red Lodge, MT I'm beginning to have second thoughts about driving OVER these mountains..