mike_l: wolf spider - Pisaura mirabilis
mike_l: sexual organs
mike_l: leaf bug
mike_l: Spanish bluebell flower spike
mike_l: immature leaf bug
mike_l: small green bug
mike_l: leaf bug
mike_l: baby crab in hand
mike_l: rose, close to the heart
mike_l: Lavendar bush
mike_l: nice flowers
mike_l: Trilobite
mike_l: horsetail
mike_l: Spanish bluebells
mike_l: Spanish bluebell
mike_l: Pink bluebell
mike_l: UK native bluebell
mike_l: Stow Wood, bluebells
mike_l: pink and normal bluebells
mike_l: I'm gonna getcha
mike_l: Frogtastic
mike_l: Damselfly
mike_l: Spider
mike_l: small tortoiseshell
mike_l: small tortoiseshell on lavendar
mike_l: peacock butterfly
mike_l: Small copper
mike_l: Wall
mike_l: Dragonfly resting
mike_l: hornet