mikelite: Bear In the Box
mikelite: syd in the window
mikelite: bear
mikelite: she hates me
mikelite: i wonder why she hates me?
mikelite: stare down
mikelite: please leave me alone
mikelite: fuzzy hugger
mikelite: camera shy
mikelite: passed out on the couch
mikelite: bear under the covers
mikelite: bear in a bag
mikelite: Mush
mikelite: Baby
mikelite: caught
mikelite: caught
mikelite: caught
mikelite: Sue & bear in the closet
mikelite: Sue & bear in the closet
mikelite: DO. YOU. MIND?
mikelite: Privacy please?
mikelite: mush
mikelite: watchin
mikelite: caught
mikelite: going in for a smooch
mikelite: bear chow time
mikelite: here comes syd
mikelite: cat ass
mikelite: come on, enough with the camera
mikelite: Sydney & Bear on the chair