Mike Jolley:
Orion Nebula
Mike Jolley:
Mike Jolley:
m31 Andromeda Galaxy
Mike Jolley:
Pleiades M45
Mike Jolley:
Orion Nebula (NGC 1976, M42)
Mike Jolley:
Pinwheel Galaxy (m33)
Mike Jolley:
Red Skull
Mike Jolley:
Full Snow Moon
Mike Jolley:
Flame and Horsehead Nebula
Mike Jolley:
The Whirlpool Galaxy (M51a, NGC 5194)
Mike Jolley:
The Pinwheel Galaxy (M101)
Mike Jolley:
The Iris Nebula (NGC 7023)
Mike Jolley:
The Bubble Nebula (NGC 7635)
Mike Jolley:
Hercules Globular Cluster
Mike Jolley:
Messier 81
Mike Jolley:
North American Nebula (NGC 7000)
Mike Jolley:
NGC 7000 (SHO Palette)
Mike Jolley:
M16 (Eagle Nebula)
Mike Jolley:
The Wizard Nebula
Mike Jolley:
Wizard Nebula (NGC 7380) in SHO
Mike Jolley:
Wolf Moon Jan 2022
Mike Jolley:
Orion LRGB
Mike Jolley:
Orion Revisited in 2023