66Alpine: Chris Williams Napier Bentley at Precott 2007
66Alpine: Paul Richardson in ERA 14b at Prescott 2007
66Alpine: GN with a JAP twin engine
66Alpine: Chris Williams Napier Bentley at Precott 2007
66Alpine: Chris Williams Napier Bentley at Precott 2007
66Alpine: Simon Williamson in Delage V12 10.5 lt LSR at Prescott 2007
66Alpine: Delage LSR again
66Alpine: Delage Jaguar at Prescott
66Alpine: KOY approaches the line at Prescott 2007
66Alpine: Quick Fraser Nash with a Riley behind
66Alpine: Fraser Nash
66Alpine: Aston Martin at Prescott
66Alpine: Alvis on the start line
66Alpine: KOY in the paddock at Prescott
66Alpine: Delage open tourer detail
66Alpine: Delage open tourer in the Orchard
66Alpine: Laurel and Hardy
66Alpine: Rover at Prescott in theOrchard car park
66Alpine: A pretty girl in an ERA
66Alpine: Simon Williamson in Delage V12 10.5 lt LSR at Prescott 2007
66Alpine: Paul Richardson in ERA 14b at Prescott 2007
66Alpine: Mac Hulbert and his ERA R4B
66Alpine: Bentley 8 litre
66Alpine: Moors with a V8
66Alpine: Mark Walker in Thunderbug
66Alpine: Ilana poses with the ERA
66Alpine: Lancis Flaminia 3C Coupe
66Alpine: Rolls Royce convertable
66Alpine: Lancia Appia Convertible built by Vignale
66Alpine: 1956 Lancia Aurelia B20 GT 'modified' by Pichon Parat