Mike Hunter: Outside Les Suches looking over to Mt Belvedere
Mike Hunter: Uncle Ali at Les Suches
Mike Hunter: Lunch with a view in Cormayeur
Mike Hunter: Me in Cormayeur
Mike Hunter: Me again, at Les Suches looking up to Chaz Dura
Mike Hunter: From the top of Chaz Dura. Its baltic.
Mike Hunter: The cafe at Les Suches. Un latte macchiato per favore!
Mike Hunter: Looking east from Les Suches
Mike Hunter: Me at the Gondola Station
Mike Hunter: Gondola station
Mike Hunter: The Matterhorn
Mike Hunter: Lunch in Cervinia
Mike Hunter: Red number 7, easy peasy!
Mike Hunter: The Matterhorn
Mike Hunter: Lunch stop, Cervinia
Mike Hunter: Lone Skier
Mike Hunter: Road back to Cervinia
Mike Hunter: The gondola station (from Zermatt)
Mike Hunter: Heli-skiing! Cervinia
Mike Hunter: More Heli-skiing, Cervinia
Mike Hunter: Cervinia 2005
Mike Hunter: View from Zermatt over into Italy
Mike Hunter: Spaz, Day 1
Mike Hunter: Jimbo, AKA Monkey Boy, on a fresh piste
Mike Hunter: Vicki & jean
Mike Hunter: Ruths First Black!
Mike Hunter: Goggled Eyed Monster
Mike Hunter: Linda at the bottom of Combe de Caron
Mike Hunter: Ruth celebrates getting to the bottom
Mike Hunter: Meribel Pano