MGM Photography London: 66 709 'Sorrento' after arrival at Clapham Junction
MGM Photography London: 66 709 'Sorrento' at Clapham Junction
MGM Photography London: Ground-level view of 66 709 'Sorrento' at Clapham Junction
MGM Photography London: 66 709 'Sorrento' in its GBRf/Mediterranean Shipping Company livery
MGM Photography London: 456 010 after arrival at Clapham Junction
MGM Photography London: 456 010 at Clapham Junction
MGM Photography London: Tower Transit OE 34009 turning into the Clapham Junction terminus of route C3
MGM Photography London: Battersea MDC street sign in Falcon Terrace, Clapham Junction
MGM Photography London: 66 102 passing through Clapham Junction
MGM Photography London: London United SP 40102 in Heath Road, Twickenham
MGM Photography London: Abellio London LT 984 caught in the traffic in Twickenham
MGM Photography London: Upper deck interior of Abellio London LT 991
MGM Photography London: Borough of Twickenham manhole cover
MGM Photography London: 1900s London United Tramways cover in Fulwell
MGM Photography London: Abellio London LT 633 representing route 267 of the 21st century
MGM Photography London: Abellio London LT 990 and LT 633 parked in the yard at Twickenham Garage
MGM Photography London: Abellio London LT 991 laying over in the yard at Twickenham Garage
MGM Photography London: Abellio London LT 633 parked in the yard at Twickenham Garage
MGM Photography London: Abellio London LT 633 at the Fulwell terminus of route 267
MGM Photography London: A mix of Abellio London vehicles in the yard at Twickenham Garage
MGM Photography London: Abellio London LT 991 leaving Twickenham Garage for Hammersmith
MGM Photography London: Arrival and departure on route 267 in Fulwell
MGM Photography London: 707 025 and 707 027 arriving at Fulwell
MGM Photography London: Tramlink 2554 in the sun and shade at Wimbledon
MGM Photography London: Tramlink 2560 about to leave Phipps Bridge for Wimbledon
MGM Photography London: Tramlink 2531 at Dundonald Road
MGM Photography London: Rear view of London United LT 668
MGM Photography London: London United LT 668 at Waterloo
MGM Photography London: London United LT 668 at the Waterloo terminus of route 211
MGM Photography London: London United LT 668 in Taylor's of Harrogate Latte advertising