MGM Photography London:
RM 1776, RM 1627 and SRM 3
MGM Photography London:
SRM 3 and RM 1562
MGM Photography London:
RM 1562 and RM 1640
MGM Photography London:
RM 1640 and RM 1204
MGM Photography London:
Frontal view of RM 1735
MGM Photography London:
An appropriate destination on RM 1913
MGM Photography London:
The two former Heritage Route 9 showbuses
MGM Photography London:
All Yesterday's Heroes
MGM Photography London:
Eight of Tower Transit's finest all in a row
MGM Photography London:
RM 1562 and RM 1640
MGM Photography London:
A throwback to 1977
MGM Photography London:
RM 1776, RM 1627 and SRM 3
MGM Photography London:
United They Stand
MGM Photography London:
RM 1640, RM 1204, RM 1735 and RM 1913
MGM Photography London:
RM 1562, RM 1640 and RM 1204
MGM Photography London:
From Notting Hill Carnival to Not in Service
MGM Photography London:
Delicensed Dartmasters
MGM Photography London:
Forgotten London icons behind the barbed wire fence
MGM Photography London:
I'm A Routemaster - Get Me Out Of Here!
MGM Photography London:
Three Amigos awaiting their fate