MGM Photography London:
Harrow Observer article and BR ticket souvenirs
MGM Photography London:
Daily Mirror article and LT ticket souvenirs
MGM Photography London:
London General routes 14 & 22 leaflet from 1999
MGM Photography London:
London Buses route 11 leaflet from 1991
MGM Photography London:
Route diagram for route 11 plus the famous London sights
MGM Photography London:
London Buses Red Arrow leaflet from 1991
MGM Photography London:
Route diagrams for Red Arrow routes 501, 502, 505, 507, 511 and 513
MGM Photography London:
Central London route changes magazine from 1992
MGM Photography London:
Route 345 bus stop poster from 1996
MGM Photography London:
London General recruitment poster from 1998
MGM Photography London:
One-Day LT Bus Pass for Zones 2 & 3
MGM Photography London:
One-Day LT Bus Pass for Zones 3 & 4