MGM Photography London: Station sign at High Street Kensington
MGM Photography London: D78 stock unit 7007 arriving at High Street Kensington
MGM Photography London: D Stock Farewell Tour car F poster
MGM Photography London: Mirror, Signal, D stock
MGM Photography London: Ground-level view of D78 stock unit 7007
MGM Photography London: D78 stock unit 7007 in platform 4 at High Street Kensington
MGM Photography London: Driver's controls and seat of 7007
MGM Photography London: Looking out to my home town from a D78 stock train
MGM Photography London: Sitting at the controls of 7007
MGM Photography London: A new District Line train operator?
MGM Photography London: 'Cabbing' a D78 stock
MGM Photography London: D78 stock unit 7007 after arrival at Northfields
MGM Photography London: D78 stock unit 7007 in platform 1 at Northfields
MGM Photography London: D78 stock unit 7007 at Northfields
MGM Photography London: D Stock Farewell Tour sticker on the front end of DM car 7007
MGM Photography London: D78 stock unit 7007 at Northfields
MGM Photography London: D78 stock unit 7007 at Northfields
MGM Photography London: D78 stock unit 7007 leaving Northfields for Northfields Depot
MGM Photography London: Station sign at Northfields
MGM Photography London: 1930s UndergrounD sign at Northfields
MGM Photography London: 1930s UndergrounD sign at Northfields
MGM Photography London: Northfields station in its 1930s Art Deco splendour
MGM Photography London: A sub-surface stranger at Northfields
MGM Photography London: D Stock Farewell Tour sticker on the front end of DM car 7032
MGM Photography London: Mirror, mirror on the wall, what is the handsome stock of all?
MGM Photography London: Cab end of D78 stock unit 7007 at Northfields
MGM Photography London: D Stock Farewell Tour car A poster
MGM Photography London: With my car (B) at Northfields
MGM Photography London: With 7007 at Northfields
MGM Photography London: With 7007 at Northfields