MGM Photography London:
RM 2050 after arrival at Tower Hill
MGM Photography London:
An iconic London bus opposite an iconic London landmark
MGM Photography London:
A once everyday sight now confined to summer weekends only
MGM Photography London:
RM 2050 after arrival in Goodman's Yard, Aldgate
MGM Photography London:
Bonnet of RM 2050 - or is it the bonnet of RM 1280?
MGM Photography London:
My Gibson A14 ticket machine on the bonnet of RM 2050
MGM Photography London:
LT Gibson ticket machine 26153 reporting for duty
MGM Photography London:
RM 2050 in Goodman's Yard, Aldgate
MGM Photography London:
Frontal view of RM 2050
MGM Photography London:
RM 2050 in Goodman's Yard, Aldgate
MGM Photography London:
RM 2050 in Goodman's Yard, Aldgate
MGM Photography London:
My Gibson A14 ticket machine in black & white
MGM Photography London:
Bonnet number of RM 2050 and my Gibson ticket machine
MGM Photography London:
RM 2050 in a seemingly deserted Goodman's Yard
MGM Photography London:
RM 871 after arrival in Goodman's Yard, Aldgate
MGM Photography London:
RM 871 looking shabby and somewhat the worse for wear
MGM Photography London:
Bonnet flap of RM 871
MGM Photography London:
Frontal view of RM 871
MGM Photography London:
RM 1941 arriving in Goodman's Yard, Aldgate
MGM Photography London:
RM 1941 in Goodman's Yard, Aldgate
MGM Photography London:
RM 1941 in Goodman's Yard, Aldgate
MGM Photography London:
RM 1941 in Goodman's Yard, Aldgate
MGM Photography London:
RM 1941 in Goodman's Yard, Aldgate
MGM Photography London:
RM 1941 looking in fine fettle in Goodman's Yard
MGM Photography London:
Side-on view of Stagecoach London RM 1941
MGM Photography London:
RM 1941 in Goodman's Yard, Aldgate
MGM Photography London:
Frontal view of RM 1941
MGM Photography London:
Rear view of Stagecoach London RM 1941
MGM Photography London:
Two iconic red London warriors
MGM Photography London:
Two Kelvin Scottish RMs reunited