Kathy T | Toronto: Scranton Lace Mill
Passie13(Ines van Megen-Thijssen): Landschaftspark Duisburg Nord XXXXII
beyondhue: The changing face of waterfront
shumolly: The Vitruvian Cat
Ben Roffelsen Photography: Aurora-like Glow
beyondhue: Casting the spell...La Machine in Ottawa.
flashfix: Origami Roses
Ben Roffelsen Photography: Yet across the gulf of space, minds that are to our minds as ours are to those of the beasts that perish, intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic, regarded this earth with envious eyes, and slowly and surely drew their plans against us.
Pas (sQualie): Shop Dome Corrected
Ben Roffelsen Photography: What is a world without art?
DuckafterDuck: Light Skeleton
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL): Chart of Electromagnetic Radiations
LJP40: Cimitero San Michele
beezhive: The Valley
DueSiGrafie: DSC_2745_6_7
qu1j0t3: pdp-11-20-15-r20 processor handbook
krisguy: My new lock screen
beyondhue: Raining on the streets of Prague
ZensLens: Door to nowhere
hobbified: Good Shot
Groenborg5: Spinning the wheel
EyeKonik Images: Ellie at Sunset in Georgian Bay
khoa_sus2: adjacent frames
Jen de F: 304/365 ♥
syncros: Around the bend
jST.: Scuneo.
SrGómez: _9107336.jpg