mikegarbett: Garrad comet and stars stack
mikegarbett: Comet 103P Hartley 2 - comet and stars stack - crop
mikegarbett: Flame etc 300mm caravan - best 43 - adjusted
mikegarbett: M33 300mm - crop
mikegarbett: M51 at caravan
mikegarbett: 8 Running Man Nebula
mikegarbett: M81 and M82
mikegarbett: M27 Dumbbell Nebula - crop
mikegarbett: Double Cluster
mikegarbett: M27 Dumbbell Nebula
mikegarbett: M82 Feb 2010 CPC800 40D
mikegarbett: M42 composite from 5 different exposures
mikegarbett: Owl Cluster crop
mikegarbett: Dumbbell Nebula
mikegarbett: M76 C925 finder guiding 22x120 iso800
mikegarbett: Crescent Nebula
mikegarbett: NGC7000 take 2 mono to false Ha
mikegarbett: C19 Cocoon - Eq120 - ST80 - 34x120
mikegarbett: Cone Nebula Equinox 120 27x120sec iso1600
mikegarbett: Alnitak and Horsehead Equinox 120 33x120sec iso1600 no polution removal
mikegarbett: Rosette Nebula Equinox 120 20x120sec iso1600
mikegarbett: Bubble Nebula DSS spikes
mikegarbett: M31 300mm 18x40 sec subs f4 at ISO 800
mikegarbett: Flaming Star Nebula - 5x300 sec each of Ha OIII and SII - Pseudo RGB
mikegarbett: Flaming Star Nebula - 5x300 sec each of Ha OIII and SII - Hubble Palette
mikegarbett: M51 RGB x2 plus Lum
mikegarbett: Horsehead SII Ha OIII - Hubble Palette plus Ha as Luminance
mikegarbett: M97 The Owl Nebula LRGB 10x300 sec