mikefranklin: surveying the turkey
mikefranklin: removing stuffing
mikefranklin: the adults' table
mikefranklin: still carving
mikefranklin: pumpkin ravioli
mikefranklin: the kids table
mikefranklin: aftermath
mikefranklin: one of the kids
mikefranklin: dessert
mikefranklin: remains
mikefranklin: stirring
mikefranklin: methodical
mikefranklin: wheat bread
mikefranklin: pumpkin, blueberry, apple, mince, etc.
mikefranklin: flash doesn't work so well with the fisheye
mikefranklin: food. lots of food.
mikefranklin: the food slowly appears
mikefranklin: not mine
mikefranklin: carving requires long arms
mikefranklin: the carver
mikefranklin: "let me help you ..."
mikefranklin: fiery sunset