calligrafix: Ringed pebble
calligrafix: Mike's Sicilian Pebble
calligrafix: Morning Squiggle
calligrafix: Red Doodle
calligrafix: God Doodling
calligrafix: Morning Track
calligrafix: Morning Mist
calligrafix: Stuart and Monty
calligrafix: Why the Long Face?
calligrafix: You put your left leg in...
calligrafix: Up we go, or perhaps not
calligrafix: Moving stand and horse
calligrafix: Standing on castors
calligrafix: Up and On
calligrafix: It has a reverse gear
calligrafix: Panic!
calligrafix: Hold Steady
calligrafix: Out of Control
calligrafix: High Flyer
calligrafix: Last Seen Riding Into The Sunset
calligrafix: Horses Arse