calligrafix: Horseman and groom
calligrafix: Stuart and Stephanie
calligrafix: Flora, field and sheep
calligrafix: Stephanie and Stuart
calligrafix: Flora bathing in the sun
calligrafix: How do I get off?
calligrafix: Vertical
calligrafix: first contact
calligrafix: kissing cousins
calligrafix: interspecial kiss
calligrafix: Homeward
calligrafix: Animals
calligrafix: Shadows
calligrafix: Lempitlaw Horseplay
calligrafix: Get Over It
calligrafix: Ready to jump
calligrafix: Gallop
calligrafix: Galloping into a pole
calligrafix: Jumping
calligrafix: Playing Horsey
calligrafix: Spectator Abuse
calligrafix: Curiousity Killed The Cow
calligrafix: Sniffing Cow