Mike Forsman, Stuck in Bangkok: Kaleidoscopic Gazania
Mike Forsman, Stuck in Bangkok: Yellow Hibiscus on a Wire Fence
Mike Forsman, Stuck in Bangkok: Simple Bird of Paradise
Mike Forsman, Stuck in Bangkok: Post-storm Cloud Layers
Mike Forsman, Stuck in Bangkok: Cat-Faced Spider (Araneus gemmoides)
Mike Forsman, Stuck in Bangkok: Snowy Egret (Egretta thula)
Mike Forsman, Stuck in Bangkok: Great Blue Heron at Sunset
Mike Forsman, Stuck in Bangkok: Channel Islands Harbor at Dusk
Mike Forsman, Stuck in Bangkok: Sunset from "The Ship"
Mike Forsman, Stuck in Bangkok: Blue Lilies in the Rain
Mike Forsman, Stuck in Bangkok: Neighborhood Gaden Flower
Mike Forsman, Stuck in Bangkok: Green Heron (Butorides virescens)
Mike Forsman, Stuck in Bangkok: Snowy Egret (Egretta thula)
Mike Forsman, Stuck in Bangkok: Sanderlings in the Evening