MikeEye: Espresso
MikeEye: Espresso
MikeEye: Espresso
MikeEye: Double Espresso
MikeEye: Double Espresso
MikeEye: Double Espresso
MikeEye: In search of the perfect shot of the perfect shot
MikeEye: Double Espresso
MikeEye: Rancilio Silvia internals (rear view)
MikeEye: Rancilio Silvia pump
MikeEye: Parts ready for fitting
MikeEye: Gauge and bits
MikeEye: Hose undone
MikeEye: Elbow and tee
MikeEye: PTFE tape
MikeEye: Assembled
MikeEye: First test
MikeEye: Adjustable OPV
MikeEye: Adjustment nut marked
MikeEye: 2/3 turn, locknut loose
MikeEye: 1/2 turn loosened - locknut tight
MikeEye: Pressure test while pulling a shot
MikeEye: Yummy
MikeEye: Nice crema
MikeEye: Gauge in "final" place
MikeEye: Partially reassembled - pressure test with blind filter