MikeEye: Guest house in Moffat
MikeEye: Getting ready to go
MikeEye: P1010933
MikeEye: Trains
MikeEye: Admiring the view
MikeEye: Admiring the view
MikeEye: Morning break
MikeEye: Morning break
MikeEye: The road ahead
MikeEye: View from morning break stop
MikeEye: Richie spots a fighting badger
MikeEye: Near Lanark
MikeEye: Raz's cousin
MikeEye: David
MikeEye: John at lunch
MikeEye: Tina - always happy
MikeEye: View from lunch stop
MikeEye: Lunch at the village bakery
MikeEye: Weather over Glasgow
MikeEye: Weather over Glasgow
MikeEye: Andy
MikeEye: Mike
MikeEye: David and Tina planning
MikeEye: David and Tina
MikeEye: Afternoon break
MikeEye: Mike's bike
MikeEye: Les rattled as he cycled
MikeEye: EPO man
MikeEye: David, Richie and Mike up Tak Ma Doon
MikeEye: Gadget boy