mikedthorn: plaça del reial
mikedthorn: flores
mikedthorn: plaça de la sagrada familia
mikedthorn: sagrada familia
mikedthorn: gracia
mikedthorn: parc güell
mikedthorn: sure i'll buy your junk
mikedthorn: flores
mikedthorn: worst tourists
mikedthorn: so hot
mikedthorn: so humid
mikedthorn: cafe chilling
mikedthorn: la banana
mikedthorn: boqueria2
mikedthorn: waiting for the rain
mikedthorn: cathedral
mikedthorn: cathedral
mikedthorn: candle in the wind
mikedthorn: museu de barça
mikedthorn: mes que un club
mikedthorn: blaugrana
mikedthorn: boqueria
mikedthorn: sushi de barça
mikedthorn: totes vegans
mikedthorn: barcelona
mikedthorn: always with the shoes
mikedthorn: so much old stuff
mikedthorn: everyday on my walk
mikedthorn: plaça de catalunya
mikedthorn: i've been told the name of this fountain a million times but always forget