Moffat Road: Curving through the Badlands
Moffat Road: Missouri River crossing
Moffat Road: A little red, white and blue . . .
Moffat Road: 1991 in the Badlands
Moffat Road: Crossing the Mighty Mo
Moffat Road: Cascade green through the Badlands
Moffat Road: Bowing through the Badlands
Moffat Road: Badland freight
Moffat Road: Valley City autumn
Moffat Road: Badland rainstorm
Moffat Road: Sully Springs green
Moffat Road: Sunset at Sully Springs
Moffat Road: Going green at Sully Springs
Moffat Road: Badland coal
Moffat Road: Meet at Sully Springs
Moffat Road: On the ground for a roll-by
Moffat Road: Departing Sully Springs
Moffat Road: Badland green
Moffat Road: Sully Springs snake
Moffat Road: Afternoon at Charlie’s Lake
Moffat Road: Approaching Garrison
Moffat Road: Rolling through the wetlands
Moffat Road: Lake Sakakawea crossing
Moffat Road: Corn train inching toward Burnstad
Moffat Road: Crossing Turtle Creek
Moffat Road: Trundling through Washburn
Moffat Road: Eastbound out of Wishek
Moffat Road: Wayfreight at Garrison
Moffat Road: Climbing Merida horseshoe curve