mike catalonian: woodcarving, viking art, 12th century
mike catalonian: Virgin in Majesty, XII Century// Anonymous
mike catalonian: Le Christ décloué de la Croix, Bois (érable) polychromé, Bourgogne, France, 2nd quarter of XII century, The Louvre
mike catalonian: Central Bay statues, Western (Royal) Portal at Chartres Cathedral, France, ca. 1145. These architectural statues are among the earliest Gothic sculptures and were a revolution in style and the model for a generation of sculptors.
mike catalonian: Enthroned Virgin with Child, XII-XIII century // by Workshop from Navarra, Spain
mike catalonian: The Descent of the Cross, wood carving, Romanesque church of Santa Eulàlia d'Erill-la-Vall, Bohí, Lleida, Catalonia, Spain, 2nd half of XII century // Anonymous
mike catalonian: Romanesque Christ "Majesty Batlló", Catalonia, Spain, half XII century, Museo Nacional de Catalunya. The work is characterised by its solemnity, thanks to a marked frontal and geometrical composition and the luxurious aspect of the tunic.
mike catalonian: Romanesque Christ "Majesty Batlló" (detail), Catalonia, Spain, half XII century, Museo Nacional de Catalunya
mike catalonian: Romanesque Enthroned Virgin and Child (Kyriotissa), Notre-Dame dOrcival, Orcival, Puy de Dome, Auvergne, France, XII century
mike catalonian: Romanesque Enthroned Virgin with Child ("Throne of Wisdom or Kyriotissa" type), Monastery of Sta. María de Huerta, Soria, Castile and Leon, Spain, XII-XIII century
mike catalonian: Last Judgement (Heaven datail), West Portal of Romanesque Cathedral of Saint George, Ferrara, Italy, consecrated in 1135, XII century
mike catalonian: Last Judgement (Hell datail), West Portal of Romanesque Cathedral of Saint George, Ferrara, Italy, consecrated in 1135, XII century
mike catalonian: Romanesque Enthroned Virgin and Child ("Throne of Wisdom or Kyriotissa" type), Auvergne, France, 1150-1200 (Cloisters Collection, The Metropolitan Museum of Art)
mike catalonian: Romanesque Enthroned Virgin and Child, Autun, Burgundy, France, 1130-1140, XII century / MET, The Coisters, NYC
mike catalonian: Romanesque Virgin "Notre Dame de Chauriat"", Église Saint-Julien de Chauriat, Chauriat, Puy-de-Dôme, France // Photo by Dennis Aubrey
mike catalonian: Historiated Capital at Romanesque abbey of Saint-Benoit-sur- Loire (Fleury Abbey), France, started in 1071 and consecrated in 1108, XI-XII century
mike catalonian: Portal at Romanesque abbey of Saint-Benoit-sur- Loire (Fleury Abbey), France, started in 1071 and consecrated in 1108, XI-XII century
mike catalonian: Chasse (Casket) of Champagnat, copper, engraved and gilt, champlevé enamel: blue-black, made in Limoges, France, c. 1150
mike catalonian: Bust of the Apostle Santiago the Lesser, Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain, 1116
mike catalonian: Head of saint Christopher, wood carving, Sahagun, Leon, Castile and Leon, Spain, half XII century
mike catalonian: Chasse (casket) of Champagnat, Limoges, gilt copper, champlevé enamel, cloisonné enamel, France, c. 1150
mike catalonian: La Ascensión y Pentecostés, Santo Domingo de Silos, Spain, XI-XII centuries // photo by Carmen Pinedo Herrero
mike catalonian: Drinking wine, Romanesque Monastery Church of Santa María la Real de Irache, Way of Saint James, Ayegui, Navarra, Spain, XII Century
mike catalonian: A chimera on a wall of Rufford romanesque cistercian abbey, Nottinghamshire, U.K., XII century
mike catalonian: Romanesque Painting, Angelus Pastores, Panteon de los Reyes de Leon, Basilica de San Isidoro, Leon, Spain, before 1149, XII century
mike catalonian: Romanesque painting, Pantocrator and Four Evangelists, Panteon de los Reyes de Leon, Basilica de San Isidoro, Leon, Spain, before 1149, XII century
mike catalonian: Romanesque Painting. Pantocrator (detail), Saint Climent de Taüll-La Vall de Boí, Catalunya, Spain, XII century / Museo de Arte de Cataluña MNAC
mike catalonian: Triple apse, Romanesque Church of Sant Climent de Taüll, Vall de Bohí, Lleida, Catalonia, Spain, XII century // Photo: R. L. Monne, Arxiu Patronat Vall de Boí
mike catalonian: Wooden door of a stave church, c. XII century, Historisk Museum, Oslo, Norway
mike catalonian: Romanesque painting, Vaults of the 'Panteon de los Reyes de Leon', Colegiata de San Isidoro, Leon, Spain, before 1149, XII century