mike catalonian: Ancient Egypt. Imhotep, 2650–2600 BC, was one of the chief officials of Pharaoh Djoser. He's been considered the first architect, engineer and physician of the early history.
mike catalonian: Babylonian Stone weight in the shape of Grasshopper, 18th-17th Century B.C.
mike catalonian: Bronze cobra as Goddess Tefnut. 2nd Intermediate Period, Dynasty 17, 1640 BC–1600 BC , Upper Egypt, Thebes
mike catalonian: Ancient Egypt. Hatshepsut (1508-1458 b.C) was the second pharaoh of the eighteenth dynasty. Osirian statue. New Kingdom. Temple of Deir El Bahari. Thebes
mike catalonian: Female torso, probably Nefertiti, wife of Pharaoh Amenophis IV Akhnaton (1365-1347 BCE). 18th Dynasty (16th-14th BCE), New Kingdom, Egypt
mike catalonian: Sandstone portrait of Pharaoh Akhenaton, Ancient Egypt
mike catalonian: Ancient Egyp. Nefertiti (ca. 1370 BC – ca. 1330 BC) was the Great Royal Wife (chief consort) of the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten.
mike catalonian: Ancient Egypt. Sculpture of one of Akhenaten's six daughters
mike catalonian: Statue of the ancient Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamen in northern Iraq
mike catalonian: Ancient Egypt. 18th Dynasty wooden face mask, Louvre Museum, Paris, France
mike catalonian: Ancient Egypt. Relief Portrait of Akhenaten, Neues Museum, Berlin
mike catalonian: Ancient Egypt. A Princess of Amarna, perhaps Meritaten, Akhenaten's and Nefertiti's daughter, 18th Dynasty
mike catalonian: Amenhotep III, New Kingdom, 1386-1353 BCE, ninth pharaoh of the 18th dynasty
mike catalonian: Ancient Egypt. Portrait of Akhenaten, whose original name was Amenhotep IV, Egyptian Pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty, the first Monotheist
mike catalonian: Ancient Egypt. Bust of King Amenmesse Wearing the Blue Crown, New Kingdom, Ramesside Dynasty, ca. 1203–1200 B.C.
mike catalonian: Ancient Egypt. Head of the god Amun, New Kingdom, post-Amarna period, Dynasty 18, reign of Tutankhamun, c. 1336 - 1327 BC
mike catalonian: Bracelets, Lapis Lazuli and gold, 940 BCE, 22nd Dynasty Ancient Egypt
mike catalonian: Golden Ring, Ancient Egypt, 1000-1500 B.C. / Musée du Louvre
mike catalonian: Entre Ombre et Lumiere, Ancient Egypt
mike catalonian: Ancient Egypt. Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, bronze 80 drachma coin, Alexandria, 51-30 BCE
mike catalonian: Ptolemy II, 285–246 BC (Philadelphius), Egyptian Ptolemaic Dinasty
mike catalonian: Al Fayum funeral portrait, I-III century AC, Egypt
mike catalonian: Portrait of a female mummy, painting on wood, c. 117-138 (Hadrian's reign), Fayum, Egypt under Roman occupation
mike catalonian: Mummy with an inserted panel portrait of a youth, 80–100 a.d.; Roman Period, Egypt, Fayum, Hawara (Hawwara, Hawwaret el-Maqta; Adlan), Encaustic on limewood
mike catalonian: Ancient Roman Culture. A female portrait on wood panel from Hawara, a site near the Fayum oasis, Egypt, dated 54-68 AD (Nero's reign)
mike catalonian: Head of Buddha, Stucco with traces of paint, Afghanistan (probably Hadda), 5th–6th century
mike catalonian: Ancient Egypt. Nut, the Starry Sky with her lover, Geb the Earth
mike catalonian: Ancient Egypt. Tomb of Nefertari
mike catalonian: Scorpion. Signet ring on behalf of King Horemheb, Ancient Egypt