Mikec77: FInding Early Morning Colour #1.
Mikec77: Collecting Early Morning Colours.
Mikec77: Chasing Colours.
Mikec77: Searching for an Impression of Colour.
Mikec77: In the Pink.
Mikec77: The Structure of a Leaf,
Mikec77: Approaching the End of the Time of Innocence.
Mikec77: Sometimes I Just Cannot Leave it Alone.
Mikec77: Concentrating on Colour, Carelessly.
Mikec77: Concentrating on Colour, Carelessly Green.
Mikec77: Up Close and Intimate.
Mikec77: The Implied Menace of a Taut Yellow Clothes Line.
Mikec77: Nature or Nurture, the Writing is on the Wall.
Mikec77: Sickly Green Hangover.
Mikec77: Prepared For An Explosion of Colour.
Mikec77: Wet Petals.
Mikec77: Exercises in Colour and Contrasts.
Mikec77: There is Something of The Wizard of Oz in My Mind?
Mikec77: The Rough and The Smooth Overlap.
Mikec77: All That Glitters Is Not Gold.
Mikec77: Building Detail, La Barre, Bayonne.
Mikec77: Slate Blue Tiles.
Mikec77: Close-up on the Colour of a Pine Tree.
Mikec77: Green Glow by Arum.
Mikec77: Red, Blue, Green.
Mikec77: Shadow on a Shed.
Mikec77: At the End of a Very Unusual Day # 2.
Mikec77: Contrast in Shape and Tone.
Mikec77: Strange Light.
Mikec77: The Red Carpet Beckons.