Mikec77: Unidentified Talent and a Beautiful Sound.
Mikec77: Scarfe Like Reflections.
Mikec77: Sealed With A Kiss
Mikec77: A Profusion of Penguins.
Mikec77: A Real Surprise in Cape Town.
Mikec77: A Calm Harbour Scene.
Mikec77: Table Mountain.
Mikec77: It Is In The Bag - From Cape Town, South Africa.
Mikec77: Most Follow the Same Path, Others Fall by the Wayside.
Mikec77: Not a Penguin In Sight, Or So I Thought!
Mikec77: Keeping an Eye on the Overheads.
Mikec77: Definitely No Parking Under Southern Skies.
Mikec77: A Fine Shopping Experience in the Shadow of Table Mountain.
Mikec77: Strength in the Retail Sector.
Mikec77: The Start of Four Days in Capetown.
Mikec77: Bored WIth Shopping - Just Look Up!