Soji Slade:
Wolf vs. Astacio
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Very strong wind
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Astacio Warms up 2
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Astacio warms up
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Mateo warms up
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Catcher and pitcher walk in
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J.P. McDerment sings National Anthem
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Schneider turns in the line-up card
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Nationals Line-up
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Phillies Line-up
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Game Umpires
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Astacio first pitch
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Watches result of first pitch
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First Inning, very few in attendance
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Soriano misses first pitch
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Lopez Fouls off pitch
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1st inning Lopez on First, Zimmerman up at bat
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Randy Wolf pitches
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Wolf pitches in first inning
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Lopez at 2B, Zimmerman at 1B, Johnson up, Kearns on deck
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Kearns hits sac fly, Lopez scores, Zimmerman to third
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Bases loaded, Kearns at bat
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Nationals up 2-0
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Harper last out in first
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President's race
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Washington wins
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President's leave the field
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Roosevelt escorted from field in 4th inning
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Roosevelt ran inning late, not allowed to finish race
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Howard scores first Philly run