mikeasaurus: Polaroid 3 - the view into the garden - shoot it, rub the head of a pen up and down as the image is appearing and it all turns out fuzzy
mikeasaurus: Polaroid 2 - Thing 1 and his wall full of Kindergarten drawings
mikeasaurus: Late afternoon May sunlight in the garden
mikeasaurus: Late afternoon sunlight in the lounge
mikeasaurus: The pine cone collected at the beach and forgotten with the water wings
mikeasaurus: Roses in polaroidal glowing red
mikeasaurus: Dinosaur in the red carpet wilderness
mikeasaurus: He paints
mikeasaurus: The clock, the vase, the folding camera and the Olympus Trip
mikeasaurus: The dragons mouth
mikeasaurus: camera shelves sagging
mikeasaurus: sunflare
mikeasaurus: colours that rhyme
mikeasaurus: The hole in the clouds with the silver lining
mikeasaurus: football spring
mikeasaurus: xylophone
mikeasaurus: entropy
mikeasaurus: workzone
mikeasaurus: scary red monster
mikeasaurus: hexagons
mikeasaurus: two little boys had two little toys, each had a wooden horse...
mikeasaurus: hammock
mikeasaurus: deck chairs two flat