MikeAntony: Dublin Heads
MikeAntony: P1330041
MikeAntony: Palace Bar
MikeAntony: The Fleet Street Hotel
MikeAntony: P1330023
MikeAntony: Wet Street
MikeAntony: P1330019
MikeAntony: Corner Dublin with blue and red chairs
MikeAntony: Flag days Dublin
MikeAntony: Water charges protest
MikeAntony: Water protest with man in orange
MikeAntony: P1330012
MikeAntony: P1330011
MikeAntony: Water Protest
MikeAntony: P1330007
MikeAntony: Blue Breast
MikeAntony: Wall detail Dublin
MikeAntony: P1330004
MikeAntony: Black Gold the river Liffey
MikeAntony: Liffey in the rain
MikeAntony: 2 Gulls and 2 Buses
MikeAntony: Liffey Gull
MikeAntony: Liffey Gull in the rain.
MikeAntony: Liffey Gulls
MikeAntony: Gull and Graffiti
MikeAntony: P1320957
MikeAntony: Wall colour
MikeAntony: The winding stair
MikeAntony: Grand Social, trees and statue.
MikeAntony: Crossing the Liffey.