MikeAntony: Bridge
MikeAntony: Wider view shows new Hotel to right bank.
MikeAntony: Looking towards the church.
MikeAntony: Beauty of the left bank buildings.
MikeAntony: Building at the left side of Pissarro,s painting.
MikeAntony: Architectural detail.
MikeAntony: Looking towards Sint Jacobs Kirk.
MikeAntony: Detail of left bank painting.
MikeAntony: Looking down the river from the bridge.
MikeAntony: Buildings along the river. Pont de la Clef in Bruges, Belgium
MikeAntony: Right bank river reflection.
MikeAntony: Pont de la Clef in Bruges, Belgium - Pissarro
MikeAntony: View of Bridge and meeting house.
MikeAntony: Showing the 3 arched bridge in Pissarro,s painting.
MikeAntony: Pont de la Clef in Bruges, Belgium
MikeAntony: Corner Detail on the Beenhowersstraat, Bruges
MikeAntony: Pont de la Clef in Bruges, Belgium
MikeAntony: Sint Jacobs kirk
MikeAntony: IMGP0110
MikeAntony: IMGP0108
MikeAntony: Pissarro
MikeAntony: Pissarro,s footsteps
MikeAntony: 3 span bridge that Pissarro painted.
MikeAntony: The right bank of Pissarro,s painting.
MikeAntony: Pissarro,s foot steps
MikeAntony: IMGP0096
MikeAntony: Bridge on the Beenhourwersstaat.
MikeAntony: Speelmansrei (Pissarro painting)