mike.yoshi: Our setup. How's the feng shui?
mike.yoshi: Miriam wants you to buy her stuff. Do it!
mike.yoshi: Wei, Vanessa, Chloe
mike.yoshi: Wei, Vanessa, Chloe
mike.yoshi: Breanne and her wares.
mike.yoshi: Breanne Boland!
mike.yoshi: Quentin, and someone not wanting to be in the picture. :D
mike.yoshi: Quentin and, uhm, I never got her name. SO I DIDN'T FORGET IT, OK!?
mike.yoshi: The man has good taste in watches.
mike.yoshi: Jim, the demon, Demonakos.
mike.yoshi: Still waiting for sparks.
mike.yoshi: More Chloe. More hot.
mike.yoshi: Chloe. Hot.
mike.yoshi: Once more, with feeling.
mike.yoshi: Jonathon, Vanessa, Jeff and Wei
mike.yoshi: Our little corner of the room.
mike.yoshi: I can't remember his name, and it's not on his card. I suck.
mike.yoshi: Blackboxcomix. You know, in case you missed the banner.
mike.yoshi: These wires were near our table. No sparks were witnessed (unfortunately)
mike.yoshi: You've got the power.
mike.yoshi: You've got the touch.
mike.yoshi: So, I try to take 2 pictures all the time, because inevitably, I will screw up one of them. In this case, I screwed them both up. Sorry Greg and Nirvana!
mike.yoshi: stupid nonfiring flash. Greg and Nirvana, mocktales.
mike.yoshi: Dramatic murm
mike.yoshi: Greg and Nirvana
mike.yoshi: Jonathon, Jeff, Sydney, Miriam, Chloe
mike.yoshi: Kevin and Jonathon
mike.yoshi: Kevin and oh crap, I forget his name. I'm sorry.