[M!chael]: 日本平
[M!chael]: 小姐~ 月台不在那裡喔~~P UltraMax400
[M!chael]: Bound for Fujisawa
[M!chael]: 往鎌倉
[M!chael]: 東門市場
[M!chael]: 夜太美
[M!chael]: 'Cause I'm leavin' on a jet plane Don't know when I'll be back again Oh babe, I hate to go...
[M!chael]: 江丿島電鉄
[M!chael]: 富士急行線
[M!chael]: 新倉山浅間公園
[M!chael]: 山跟雲的距離 #Explored
[M!chael]: 窗外
[M!chael]: 螢河系
[M!chael]: 有仙則名,有龍則靈。
[M!chael]: Earth Day
[M!chael]: 我要一杯靜岡玉露綠茶去糖微冰 #Explored
[M!chael]: 如果這些風景變成了日常...
[M!chael]: 有山 有湖 有櫻花
[M!chael]: 初春令月,氣淑風和
[M!chael]: 花開滿樹紅,花落萬枝空。
[M!chael]: On Sundays, we brunch and shoot films.
[M!chael]: “The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.”
[M!chael]: “There are two means of refuge from the misery of life - music and cats.” #Explored
[M!chael]: 采菊東籬下,悠然見南山。
[M!chael]: 你不必訝異, 更無須歡喜, 在轉瞬間消滅了蹤影。
[M!chael]: V Lover
[M!chael]: 21st Anniversary
[M!chael]: No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn.
[M!chael]: 繁花春不歇
[M!chael]: The Giant