[M!chael]: 紅的綠的藍的
[M!chael]: 談文車站
[M!chael]: Somewhere in Time
[M!chael]: Color of December
[M!chael]: Let's call it a day
[M!chael]: Fireworks Flowers
[M!chael]: Equalizer Fireworks
[M!chael]: October Festival
[M!chael]: Fire
[M!chael]: 這不是高美濕地 正片版
[M!chael]: 寶島台灣
[M!chael]: The Long And Winding Road
[M!chael]: 紫陽門
[M!chael]: ㄅㄤˋ
[M!chael]: 雨泛春花色更艷 墨磨端硯字還香
[M!chael]: Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.
[M!chael]: 微雨眾卉新,一雷驚蟄始。田家幾日閑,耕種從此起。
[M!chael]: 小園新種紅櫻樹 閑繞花行便當遊
[M!chael]: 漸清和,微扇暑,日遲遲。新荷泛水搖漾,萍藻弄晴漪。
[M!chael]: 那天妳不在我身邊, 我只能拍海。
[M!chael]: 透南風
[M!chael]: 謝謝你給我大海一樣的溫柔
[M!chael]: Seize the moment
[M!chael]: 柿香
[M!chael]: 玫瑰紅被徑,薜荔綠走牆。
[M!chael]: Michael's