Michel Filion:
*Month of the Dead* Last rest Landscape
Michel Filion:
*Month of the Dead* Shy Angel
Michel Filion:
*Month of the Dead* Holding on faith
Michel Filion:
*Month of the Dead* Ze cross
Michel Filion:
A piece of my little 'ol town
Michel Filion:
Nature's version of the French Revolution
Michel Filion:
*Underground* Traveling in Montreal's belly
Michel Filion:
*Official* Step By Step
Michel Filion:
*Left over* Splat!
Michel Filion:
*Left over* Oasis
Michel Filion:
*Left over* Against all odds
Michel Filion:
*Official* Too little too late
Michel Filion:
*Official* Silhouette
Michel Filion:
*ParKing SpaCe* By Night
Michel Filion:
*OverExposed* Cat Light
Michel Filion:
*BzzzzZ* Ze Nectar
Michel Filion:
Michel Filion:
*Incoming Storm* No parc fun for this morning.
Michel Filion:
*News* An all grown up Shiraz
Michel Filion:
Stairway to Heaven
Michel Filion:
Playground park fun
Michel Filion:
Invading flowers
Michel Filion:
*ReLaXinG* In FlickrLand!
Michel Filion:
*SighT* Keeping an eye on the objective
Michel Filion:
Rockin' the next generation
Michel Filion:
*Dog Fight* A meet up with old friends
Michel Filion:
A new shot at the moon!
Michel Filion:
Your friendly neighborhood...
Michel Filion:
Michel Filion:
Souh Shore landscape