Siegfried Hansen: London 2015
A-cat-and-a-half: London, 2015
mtwood: .....λ
Rui Palha: It's raining outside 2
vulture labs: Surfs Up
saul landell: invente la noche desde mi ventana
Maciej Dakowicz: Sleeping dog - Varanasi, India
Thomas Leuthard: Bombay #7
lylevincent: Boy Making a Dosa for Police Men, Benares/Varanasi India 2009
Giulio Magnifico: Christmas in osteria
sigfrido2012: Yarmouk Siria. This foto is only a copy Fifteen Every Four.
mitchellk81: Children of the Mountains
Marc Böttler: Take it to the streets: Refugees Welcome.
Daniele Zanni: Merciaria Fidelidade
adde adesokan: Incredible India, final image - Varanasi
Siegfried Hansen: Vienna 2014
Siegfried Hansen: Berlin 2014
Siegfried Hansen: Hamburg 2014
Martin Gommel: Faster!
Siegfried Hansen: Hamburg 2013
yushimoto_02 [christian]: Interaction of Circles
Siegfried Hansen: Geneva 2012
mmarsupilami: Exposition d'Art contemporain dans le parc de Chaudfontaine (Belgique)
yushimoto_02 [christian]: Below the Cubes
Philipp Götze: Jours de Fête