Mike Burns: Adding sweet blue laces
Mike Burns: Removing lame black laces
Mike Burns: Distracted lacing
Mike Burns: A cautionary stew
Mike Burns: Overheating from excitement
Mike Burns: Carefully finished food
Mike Burns: A hard worker
Mike Burns: Two hard workers
Mike Burns: Philosophizing on the topic of skates
Mike Burns: Finishing off the bowl
Mike Burns: Skate upgrades
Mike Burns: Nonchalantly deconstructing a skate
Mike Burns: Continued supervision
Mike Burns: Get back to work!
Mike Burns: The eyes have it
Mike Burns: Almost ready to join in
Mike Burns: Spoon contemplation
Mike Burns: Inspecting the tool
Mike Burns: Ready to skate
Mike Burns: This is how space shuttles are moved, too
Mike Burns: Maneuvered
Mike Burns: Safety first
Mike Burns: Pivoting
Mike Burns: Carried away
Mike Burns: Unleashed
Mike Burns: Watch that step
Mike Burns: We're only dancing
Mike Burns: Suited up
Mike Burns: Posed
Mike Burns: Walk this way