Michele Rallo | MR PhotoArt: MAXXI | Percorsi.
Michele Rallo | MR PhotoArt: MAXXI | "Stairway to Heaven"
Michele Rallo | MR PhotoArt: MAXXI | More than meets the eye.
Michele Rallo | MR PhotoArt: MAXXI | Living by Zaha Hadid
Michele Rallo | MR PhotoArt: MAXXI | Looking out
Michele Rallo | MR PhotoArt: MAXXI | lights & shadows
Michele Rallo | MR PhotoArt: MAXXI | urban context
Michele Rallo | MR PhotoArt: MAXXI | More than meets the eye
Michele Rallo | MR PhotoArt: MAXXI | Lines & shapes
Michele Rallo | MR PhotoArt: MAXXI | Gallery [5]