Michele Rallo | MR PhotoArt: Aria di Primavera
Michele Rallo | MR PhotoArt: "Touch me again", Angelo del Dolore. Cimitero Acattolico, Roma.
Michele Rallo | MR PhotoArt: Agonia (new editing)
Michele Rallo | MR PhotoArt: Yellow is the color
Michele Rallo | MR PhotoArt: Pink! is the color
Michele Rallo | MR PhotoArt: Orange! is the color
Michele Rallo | MR PhotoArt: still-life - 50mm f 1.8 II
Michele Rallo | MR PhotoArt: Purple in autumn
Michele Rallo | MR PhotoArt: About Season Change
Michele Rallo | MR PhotoArt: Ma il cielo è sempre più blu... lalaallalala
Michele Rallo | MR PhotoArt: Soft vision about flowers
Michele Rallo | MR PhotoArt: A Little, Yellow... Heath
Michele Rallo | MR PhotoArt: I colori dell'autunno
Michele Rallo | MR PhotoArt: Aghi, under the rain.
Michele Rallo | MR PhotoArt: H2O - Water is Life.
Michele Rallo | MR PhotoArt: Autumn in Garden
Michele Rallo | MR PhotoArt: After the Rain...
Michele Rallo | MR PhotoArt: Roma, Parco degli Acquedotti - Quanti anni hai?
Michele Rallo | MR PhotoArt: "Verde dominante" - Canon EF 75-300mm III + paraluce Canon ET-60
Michele Rallo | MR PhotoArt: Fichi d'India - Canon EF 75-300mm III + paraluce Canon ET-60
Michele Rallo | MR PhotoArt: Tra l'ulivo e angoli di cielo terso - Canon EF 75-300mm III + paraluce Canon ET-60