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lio ●
Capt. Mikes Bald Eagle Tour 1-8-12 by Greg Mika
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Greg Mika
Gull grabbing a fish-1
Greg Mika
Eagle at Sunrise-1
Greg Mika
Gull grabbing a fish-1-2
Greg Mika
Cormorant Fly Over-1
Greg Mika
Eagle at Sunrise-1-2
Greg Mika
Eagle going for a fish-1
Greg Mika
Eagle going for a fish-2
Greg Mika
Eagle going for a fish-3
Greg Mika
Ready to take off-1
Greg Mika
Watching for trespassers-1
Greg Mika
Eagle going for a fish-4
Greg Mika
In the shadows-1
Greg Mika
Ever Watchful-1
Greg Mika
Fast Descent-1
Greg Mika
Neck Stretch-1
Greg Mika
Slow Descent-1
Greg Mika
Dave popping his head above the boat roof-1
Greg Mika
Ripples on the James-1
Greg Mika
Blue Herron fly-by-1
Greg Mika
Finishing off a snack-1
Greg Mika
Eagle Profile-1
Greg Mika
One footed Grab-1
Greg Mika
One footed Grab-2