Unique_Snowflake: Wink wink, nudge nudge. Say no more. Say no more. Know what I mean?
Unique_Snowflake: Squiggly joe
Unique_Snowflake: Night swimming
Unique_Snowflake: Close encounters of the bird kind
Unique_Snowflake: Dude! A dropshadow. Was that all you could come up with?
Unique_Snowflake: Ok, Breathe slowly. One step at a time. It's... just... water...
Unique_Snowflake: Catch the red eye
Unique_Snowflake: Martha! Those darn kids from next door are playing in the yard again!
Unique_Snowflake: Are you a pelican or a pelican't?
Unique_Snowflake: Name that bird
Unique_Snowflake: Now that's a waddle
Unique_Snowflake: Some kind of storky bird thing
Unique_Snowflake: What you lookin at?
Unique_Snowflake: So anyway... Voldemort, dying, turns over looks Harry in the eye and says the words I'll never forget, "Harry, I... am... your.... father..." and dies.
Unique_Snowflake: Don't think I can't see you
Unique_Snowflake: Herakles, the Heroic Heron
Unique_Snowflake: George always had a sneaking suspicion that he was adopted
Unique_Snowflake: I'm bringing sexy back, Yeah!
Unique_Snowflake: Whenever my mother looked at me like that, I knew I was in big trouble
Unique_Snowflake: Yes. I have helmet hair!
Unique_Snowflake: I spy with my little eye, something that begins with C
Unique_Snowflake: Name that bad boy!
Unique_Snowflake: I hear there's a camera case that's named after me...
Unique_Snowflake: Simon Cowell told me I sounded like a sick chicken. The nerve of that guy!!!
Unique_Snowflake: I am not a bigmouth!