Unique_Snowflake: Squiggly joe
Unique_Snowflake: Waiting for lunch
Unique_Snowflake: I can't wait for my brothers movie to come out...
Unique_Snowflake: Close encounters of the bird kind
Unique_Snowflake: South east asian mountain hyena
Unique_Snowflake: Contemplation
Unique_Snowflake: See no evil? Hear no evil? With these ears and these eyes? You gotta be kidding me
Unique_Snowflake: Foolish humans. They have no idea how smart I really am
Unique_Snowflake: Human emotion attributed = Anger. True emotion = Despair
Unique_Snowflake: I do yoga and pilates and the room is full of hotties and you know I'm satisfied
Unique_Snowflake: Contemplating the meaning of life: Nikon vs. Canon?
Unique_Snowflake: Are you flamingoing or are you flamingone?
Unique_Snowflake: I'm not saying cheese...
Unique_Snowflake: No. I'm not pleased. Would you be?