mk_lynx: black-backed jackal Canis mesomelas resting in Namib desert
mk_lynx: _51-31 Canis mesomelas-e
mk_lynx: _51-30 Canis mesomelas-ces
mk_lynx: cooperative hunt of a group of black-backed jackals on springbok
mk_lynx: black-backed jackal attacking a springbok
mk_lynx: spotted hyaena Crocuta crocuta in Etosha N.P. Namibia
mk_lynx: spotted hyaena Crocuta crocuta running in Etosha N.P. Namibia
mk_lynx: king of the African grasslands
mk_lynx: male lion in the grassland
mk_lynx: "happy" lion
mk_lynx: chilling after mating
mk_lynx: wait a moment
mk_lynx: snaring in passion
mk_lynx: yawning lioness
mk_lynx: licking
mk_lynx: exhausted cheetah after hunt
mk_lynx: bee and a cheetah
mk_lynx: cheetahs with prey
mk_lynx: cheetah portrait
mk_lynx: hanging on
mk_lynx: bringing down prey
mk_lynx: spots on the coat of sedated cheetah
mk_lynx: male cheetah Acinonyx jubatus snaring in a cage
mk_lynx: 46-31 Acinonyx jubatus''
mk_lynx: cheetah on Mara plains
mk_lynx: killing bite
mk_lynx: skull of a cheetah Acinony jubatus in Kalahari desert
mk_lynx: African wild dogs on kopje
mk_lynx: inquisitive Banded Mongoose Mungos mungo in Western Kalahari
mk_lynx: _50-14 Arctocephalus pusillus-es