mk_lynx: spread your wings
mk_lynx: I would like to do that too :)
mk_lynx: passing by
mk_lynx: African white-backed vulture on acacia
mk_lynx: black vulture soaring
mk_lynx: Egyptian vulture
mk_lynx: airborne black-collared hawk
mk_lynx: guineafowl "in flight"
mk_lynx: eagle catching fish
mk_lynx: golden eagle soaring
mk_lynx: young golden eagle turning
mk_lynx: Golden Eagle flying over golden larch trees
mk_lynx: Golden eagle in flight
mk_lynx: 07_11_17 Falco tinnunculus2-ces'
mk_lynx: 07_11_17 Falco tinnunculus1-ces'
mk_lynx: 07_10_09 Falco tinnunculus1-ces_
mk_lynx: ...and her urban husband
mk_lynx: city girl...
mk_lynx: airborne kestrel
mk_lynx: kestrel killed by car
mk_lynx: Female lesser kestrel
mk_lynx: 07_11_08 Falco columbarius2-ces'
mk_lynx: 07_11_08 Falco columbarius1-ces'
mk_lynx: Male red-footed falcon catching insect
mk_lynx: flying peregrine falcon
mk_lynx: fast flight
mk_lynx: dangling talons of Sparrowhak
mk_lynx: Sparrowhawk soaring
mk_lynx: Sparrowhawk in flight
mk_lynx: flying over forest cliffs