F4ronnie: Pentax MZ-5
Jonathan_in_Madrid: Pentax MZ-6 with Sigma UC 28-70mm f/2.8 - f/4 & MZ-5N with Sigma EX DF 28-70mm f/2.8
Jonathan_in_Madrid: MZ-5N with Sigma EX DF 28-70 f/2.8
Eyewanders Foto (chickentender): cowiche dawn afterlife II
Eyewanders Foto (chickentender): "Life Moves Pretty Fast" III
Eyewanders Foto (chickentender): Superprogramatic II
Eyewanders Foto (chickentender): But Still Accepting Donations
Eyewanders Foto (chickentender): Within You and Without You
thecaveofthedead: Olympus OM4 & Pentax MX
esmoxd: Approaching Rain
esmoxd: Minolta XD7
r.antensteiner: P1160670-2
annkelliott: An unexpected Ring-necked Pheasant / Phasianus colchicus, male
annkelliott: Long-eared Owl / Asio otus, 2019
annkelliott: More distant view of recent Loggerhead Shrike, 2024
annkelliott: Black Hawk, on way to Brasso Seco, Trinidad, March 2017
annkelliott: The Grad Barn, 2016 - with a purpose, not random graffiti
annkelliott: Short-eared Owl / Asio flammeus, 2019
annkelliott: Wilson's Snipe / Gallinago delicata
annkelliott: Swainson's Hawk / Buteo swainsoni, with wildfire smoke
dafres: Temple
ksblack99: Dark-Eyed Junco (Gray-Headed) Foraging in Dandelions in the Snow
ksblack99: Opened Milkweed Seed Pod