mightyjoepye: Large 37" Chestnut oak on nose of ridge facing N
mightyjoepye: spring hill rd
mightyjoepye: White ash (Fraxinus americana) 24" dbh facing 33" red oak snag and 33" white ash codom at 15'
mightyjoepye: Chestnut oak near 620' contour line
mightyjoepye: GarageFacingNorth
mightyjoepye: Southview
mightyjoepye: Facing west Hale
mightyjoepye: 33" Red Oak NorthSouth line contour48inchScarletandBlack
mightyjoepye: 640 foot contour line
mightyjoepye: Black oak 33 inches facing Southeastpoint
mightyjoepye: Old Main Street Hill Rd.
mightyjoepye: Red oak Elm and Red oak 48 inch deadfall
mightyjoepye: IMAG0092
mightyjoepye: Scarlet oak facing south
mightyjoepye: 630 foot contour line facing south
mightyjoepye: White Oak 33 Inches Sugar berry 30 inches
mightyjoepye: Nose tree 27 16 SE most boundary
mightyjoepye: 48 inch red oak uprooted to ESE from WNW
mightyjoepye: Big trees
mightyjoepye: 33" white ash codom at 15', Shagbark hickory 27" pin oak 48", and a 27"/18" chesnut oak, left to right.
mightyjoepye: 30" sugarberry
mightyjoepye: 27" Shagbark hickory (Carya ovata)
mightyjoepye: 13" Shagbark hickory and 10" white ash.
mightyjoepye: 27 inch chestnut on nose of contour line, lonely beech sapling.
mightyjoepye: Ash 27" below old road at East Corner, Old Main St. hill Rd Above Beech Grove
mightyjoepye: Chestnut oak on nose above old road
mightyjoepye: Oak in Elm
mightyjoepye: American beech 33 inches
mightyjoepye: White Oak Quercus alba 39 inches
mightyjoepye: Nurse Log facing NE camera faces SE