mightyjoepye: Jerusalem Artichoke
mightyjoepye: Liatris aspera
mightyjoepye: Tall Yellow Impatiens - Jewelweed
mightyjoepye: Wetlands at Willow Pond
mightyjoepye: Cattails at sunrise
mightyjoepye: Prairie Blazing Star
mightyjoepye: Joe Pye Weed (Eupatorium purpureum)
mightyjoepye: Historical Bear Grass (theory)
mightyjoepye: Rattlesnake Master late August
mightyjoepye: Purple Coneflower and Prairie Coneflower
mightyjoepye: Sheep Sorrel
mightyjoepye: Meadow Rose
mightyjoepye: Wild Ginger blossom
mightyjoepye: Wild Ginger Flower
mightyjoepye: Blue cohosh flower (Caulophyllum thalictroides)
mightyjoepye: Jack in the Pulpit, (Arisaema triphylla)
mightyjoepye: Sassafrass
mightyjoepye: Wild Ginger
mightyjoepye: Bloodroot Beargrass Meadows
mightyjoepye: Blue Cohosh Sprout
mightyjoepye: Bonnycastle Mayapples and Buckeyes
mightyjoepye: Jack in the Pulpits (Arisaema triphyllum)
mightyjoepye: Blue Cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides)
mightyjoepye: Duchesnea indica
mightyjoepye: Blackberry spp.
mightyjoepye: Black Cohosh and Ramps
mightyjoepye: Sweet cicely (Osmorhiza claytonia)
mightyjoepye: In two local populations that had gone to seed, this was one of only about a half dozen seedlings
mightyjoepye: St Johns Wort
mightyjoepye: Hollow Joe Pye Weed (Eupatoriadelphus maculatus)