mightyjoepye: Rooftop Gardens Bardstown Road
mightyjoepye: Early Rooftop Garden
mightyjoepye: Victory Squash at the Overpass
mightyjoepye: Snoopy the bunny
mightyjoepye: A "green" Native American style garden.
mightyjoepye: River Oats and Limestone Coral
mightyjoepye: Olmstedian Perennials - Silphium perfoliatum
mightyjoepye: Wheat and Black Eyed Susans
mightyjoepye: Rain garden (Tall summer wildlflowers)
mightyjoepye: Allium
mightyjoepye: Silphium perfoliatum (Cup plant)
mightyjoepye: Monarda fistulosa (Wild bergamot) and Silphium perfoliatum (Indian Cup Plant)
mightyjoepye: Joe Pye Weed and Black Eyed Susans
mightyjoepye: Organic rain garden
mightyjoepye: Ironweed - A beautiful weed in pastures that encourages butterflies.