mightyjoepye: Twinleaf colony, Harrod's Creek, Oldham County
mightyjoepye: Ferns on a Limestone Outcrop
mightyjoepye: Cinnamon fern
mightyjoepye: Green Dragon (Arisaema dracontium)
mightyjoepye: Unopened Mayapple and Moss
mightyjoepye: Ebony Spleenwort
mightyjoepye: White trout lilies (Erithronium albidum)
mightyjoepye: Ferns on Limestone Outcrop in Oldham County
mightyjoepye: False Rue Anemone
mightyjoepye: Dutchmans Breeches and Cherry fungus
mightyjoepye: Christmas fern persists
mightyjoepye: March 28, 2010 Trout Lily, Lowland bladder fern, and Rue Anemone (Anemonella thalictroides)
mightyjoepye: Dutchman's breeches
mightyjoepye: Liver Leaf
mightyjoepye: Claytonia virginica (Spring beauty)
mightyjoepye: Hepatica at Beargrass Creek
mightyjoepye: Virginia bluebells (Mertensia virginica)
mightyjoepye: Bloodroot and a Trout Lily
mightyjoepye: Trilliums and Toothwort
mightyjoepye: Rue Anemone (Thalictrum thalictroides)
mightyjoepye: Yellow Adder's Tongue (Common Trout Lily)
mightyjoepye: Twinleaf
mightyjoepye: Water on Violets
mightyjoepye: Virginia Bluebells and Saucer Magnolia
mightyjoepye: Cutleaf Toothwort
mightyjoepye: Vista from Beargrass Meadows
mightyjoepye: Trout Lilies and Moss
mightyjoepye: Trout Lily and Moss on cliff
mightyjoepye: Yellow Violet