Mightyhorse: from here to forever
Mightyhorse: and the whirlwind is in the thorn tree
Mightyhorse: to you fair spanish ladies
Mightyhorse: 20140622-P6226901
Mightyhorse: in the end it's easier to think about yourself than it is to think about Dignan
Mightyhorse: turn your back on a pay you back last call
Mightyhorse: ladder of success
Mightyhorse: miss the whole first rung
Mightyhorse: ain't much to rake anyway in the fall
Mightyhorse: through this passion play
Mightyhorse: under your dark glasses
Mightyhorse: pinned and wriggling on the wall
Mightyhorse: such different sets of circumstance
Mightyhorse: strung out in heavens high
Mightyhorse: someone to something to someone and someone
Mightyhorse: placid admirals
Mightyhorse: ruled by tv
Mightyhorse: fat slow generals
Mightyhorse: a little square
Mightyhorse: a little careerist
Mightyhorse: a little sad
Mightyhorse: frank got a letter from his uncle sam
Mightyhorse: can't fight the runnin blues
Mightyhorse: you and me and the devil makes three
Mightyhorse: the near and the dear one
Mightyhorse: hung up on romancing
Mightyhorse: bastard from a basket
Mightyhorse: of was and when
Mightyhorse: the devil is in your hands
Mightyhorse: never backslide