mightieone: New Town Hall sign
mightieone: Kiwanis Float
mightieone: Anmerican Legion
mightieone: Town Supervisor Mike Kasperzyk
mightieone: Ruth and jim VanSplunders
mightieone: Ronni's
mightieone: 100_1682
mightieone: Holland Hardware "float"
mightieone: Anita acting out
mightieone: Kiwanis Tulip Festival
mightieone: Holland Tulip Festival
mightieone: 100_1658
mightieone: Door prizes
mightieone: Mom's flower arrangement
mightieone: Holland Kiwanis Tulip Festival Queen Candidates 2008
mightieone: Serena Slattery
mightieone: 2008 Tulip Festival Queen and her Court