mightieone: Our place in winter
mightieone: Junco in snowy bird bath
mightieone: View from our deck in December
mightieone: 000_0031
mightieone: 000_0030
mightieone: Holland in Winter
mightieone: Christmas 2008
mightieone: 000_0032
mightieone: 000_0031
mightieone: 000_0028
mightieone: Clump Hawthorne tree in snow
mightieone: Cardinal in our bushes
mightieone: Backyard birds
mightieone: Bacbirdskyard
mightieone: Backyard birds
mightieone: Backyard birds
mightieone: Backyard birds
mightieone: Backyard intruder
mightieone: First snow since before Christmas
mightieone: Trees mantled in snow
mightieone: Closeup of Norway Spruce
mightieone: Contrast
mightieone: Our Magnolia in winter
mightieone: Chickadee at our window
mightieone: Our place in winter
mightieone: Home12-05
mightieone: Woodpecker
mightieone: Where are the hostas??